Without love we only have dreams that don’t come true………..so just love~

#balayage #perfection

To feel love is to love yourself and all you have to offer. Love is only within the eye of the beholder/ I hope that anyone in your path understands your path.
If your on a mission to be somewhere that takes no effort and normalcy than congratulations, you can log out NOW, you have not found the place you were looking for.Daily my little head could tell you so many things, stories and magnificence of life that are almost impossible to believe.

Fairy-tales, Mermaids….unicorns, shooting-stars, beauty,(Gucci….sombre……Asheville,NC).

Life is so short, so real and so beautiful stop thinking so much. Life is so PRESENT and so AWESOME that you are gonna miss the best moments if you don’t just STOP and smell the current season.

LET No-one tell you how, what, when or why to feel what you feel, just allow yourself to be what you need to be and embrace yourself!!!!! Miracles are perfect, and when you get feelings that make you question you …….stop thinking to hard, your fantastic and you are where god intended you to be. Once you look back you will regret that moment you didn’t allow yourself to be. Its all about the present LOVE. RESPECT. and JOY
Life has taught me to be real and true to myself. Being honest only keeps things happier for all parties involved,

Moons will be full every 29-31 days, the universe will still rotate and things will always hold you back or make you more great….. make it your future not your excuse.

Mrs. Nikki leaves you with more love than ever, and hope….

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Nikki Written by:

Just a girl with a dream , making the what-ifs........For-reals