So my journey continues almost 9 years into buisness and 18+years as a licensed stylist. Welcome, also my apologies for being nonconsistent in my blogging. I am working on many aspects of my life=goals as are you.
March 23,2018 marked a monumental day for tangled up salon and/or mrs.Nikki. Just a regular “freaky friday” at tangled up, although this one is in record books
Long and productive day, payroll was not due, I had a date with my husband this evening and things were going as plannned.
I chose to stay with the girls and get some office work done as they finished there clients. It was a good day, and something in my gut was holding me from leaving. Not realizing the series’s of unfortunate events
that would soon happen.
Like any regular day Randy would go over her closing totals and let me know where the navigation would be, this is the estimated totals vs this year to last year. Yes we only had a few hundred dollars to do to beat it, although estimates took us above and beyond last year. It was a happy day. Even down a stylist, due to vacation, salon was still preforming, which makes us all smile.
Closing up, in our beautiful yet historic building was a night like no other. Randy needing to get home to make dinner and prep for Final 4, McKenna just wanting to relax and Nikki and Zoe just wanting to go to date night with our men, Chester and Jake.
Lights off…. jackets on….. doing our final walk through. Remember historic building so lights are in each room, and Nikki still sees last minute chores to accomplish, while pissing off Randy and McKenna. So not worried about Nikkis OCD they allow her to do what she does and proceeds with making sure things in shampoo area are cleaned and prepped for a busy Saturday to follow.
So Nikki saw the ongoing leak on shampoo bowl #3. She asked Randy, why is this still leaking? Knowing we had contacted Pembroke Reality and had multiple plumbers had looked at it. Curiously nikki cleaned sink saw the valve shaking, ready to spontaneously combust.
Weither it was a mother’s instinct, pshyic feeling or a ticking time bomb that has been long time waited for…….
BOOM!!!!!!!! Literally the wall started spraying water. Valve and wall area had been a sensitive area for a while. This isn’t a stylists favorite rising bowl. So rarely used.
Something in my gut told me to stay. For 58 minutes I tried to save my buisness, even though I had insurance and a lease stating that I wasn’t responsible for the class action, recalled “Quest” pipes that were in my establishment when I signed lease in 2009.
I tried to save whatever I could save by catching the 10-15mph water being thrown from my wall, I was scared and I acted. In these moments, McKenna assisted me in helping transfer water, while Randy proceeded to call property management. She left a message waiting for call back I instructed her to call
911, fire dispatch. Someone had to help us cut the water off. Now 25 minutes into this debacle fire department shows up looking for water cut off nowhere to be found inside of the building. Property management response the phone call proceeds to guide us to a water main shut off 600 to 700 feet away from actual property. Property management still did not digest properly in the meantime water is still flowing in Salon at this point ankle to shin deep. Nikki was very fortunate to have the help she did and to be in the wrong place at the right time. Although even in the grand efforts, Pembroke Reality was no help at all. The company I pay on time monthly for 9years. The story goes on and on……
Let me back track. I wasn’t made aware of these ticking time bomb pipes when I signed oringial lease in 2009. I was informed in 2011, from my hired plumber. Although making property management company aware of issue, it was absolutely a part of my renewal in 2013 as well as 2016.
So with this catastrophic event I still in my heart knew that I would be protected because this was none of my doing I am simply just running a hair salon. Normal wear and tear, growth and use of property.
The moral to this story is that yes “that just happened” but as a female small buisness owner doing everything by the book. I am being ignored and bullied.
I am dumbfounded with the disrespect I have been given and how even with lawyers this company has mistreated me.
This may be a bigger chapter in my life- my salon life. All I have to say is justice will be served and someone will be held accountable.
Being bullied isn’t cool, but it’s life. #meetoo is a movement yeah… yeah… yeah… Shit is not fair my friends. But life is not fair it’s how you let your cards be dealt.
A lot of things I let go, this one I will fight till the end. I may be a small buisness, I may be not so weathly or maybe that I am a female. Who knows at the end of this something will happen for the good.
To be continued……..
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