Mrs.nikkis message in a bottle for the month:
We get one chance to toss that bottle in the ocean_ have you written your letter. Have your felt your message you want the universe to find? It’s simple, it’s all we can do.
We hope whom ever holds the message understands the importance of the letter-thought or feeling.
Human nature has a way of reaching out to what we need. In time our message will be delivered and hopefully understood.
We create what we need, want, deserve and believe we will have
Don’t give up so quick. It isn’t the easiest of journeys but I promise it will be a journey that won’t be forgotten.
Remind yourself daily that you tried your best and the best will be in your arms when it is met to be.
If we knew what the future was it wouldn’t be a challenge. The most amazing part of life Is the unknown and it’s time to embrace where our future will be.
The loss, disappointments, unexpected obstacles is what makes daily living precious.
Remaining true to yourself and your inner soul is all you can do.
Life is something that is taken for granted. We have one life to live and it’s time to allow/ embrace and conquer all of what we have so we have no regrets.
Have a message for someone this week and allow them to pass on the positive most amazing moments and be who you are meant to be.
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