HELLO….What exactly are we keeping up with?

says Adele…. Entertainment News calls it “Keeping up with the Kardashians”, society calls it Facebook…Instagram…twitter…Pintrest….or whatever is the latest and greatest next thing to track someone’s soul.
Being a product of the 70’s, a creature in the 80’s, a graduate from high school and Beauty school 1995-1999. If I had listened to all the odds against me, my generation or this generations economic standings…I would have thrown in the towel by 2003.

Opportunities are endless, we all have the resources, the means and the imagination. Its a choice, we can all be whatever we want to be. STOP blaming everyone else and make shit happen……. Nobody is accountable for anything that has happened to your present but yourself.

I own a hair-salon, I am so open to all walks of life all artists and all people that are reaching for greatness. Listening is a built in skill that comes natural, helping lost souls is what I strive for….. knowing that my soul is always learning, loving, forgiving and accepting most, without ever passing judgment.

This world is a cruel place, that cares about irrelevant things that doesn’t matter.

I will have a bad day, a zit called “STAN” that doesn’t go away for a long time, a pair of jeans that I am determined to not throw away because they were my “23” year old skinny jeans. The most amazing day I realized I most recently had was the day knew I was as great no matter if I was what society wanted and/or what I decided I was and I owned myself. My quirky, fun-loving, open-minded, free spirit of a soul. The one thing I have always truly adored about myself is that I am so OK with me. Maybe that’s my problem, maybe that’s why the people that I let in destroy my heart and I trust to quick.
Its all a learning curve and I just want to let people know we all make these mistakes, its just things that people share and we don’t hear. We are bound to hurt, learn, live. cry, grow and try and teach.

The last person I ever expected to break my heart in a million pieces would be my big sister. She’s always been someone that I have always looked up to because that’s the cards that God dealt me. She is the woman that I thought I needed acceptance from. My heart truly hurt today because I found that even when reaching for her love she had no compassion. Today I realized that what should have been my closest and most special bond female style was just a book we read as a kid.

I am sorry that she wants to tell me all my faults, I willing to accept them, but she said things that will never be able to take back. Maybe if judgment was something that remained optional upon discussion, it may be taken a little more seriously.

My biggest advice is, …………. only read if you want to listen, if not log off now…………

Love those who love you back. Don’t judge anyone, love all of them…. let people destroy there own reputations, also never remind people of there faults, unless they ask or are open to constructive criticism.

naturally my heart is broke, my passion is to great and I allow myself accept to many people that have to much to say.

XOXOXO mrsnikki

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Nikki Written by:

Just a girl with a dream , making the what-ifs........For-reals